We aim to be a safe and healthy workplace. We promote the health and well-being of our employees in various ways. Our goal is zero accidents.
Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) and number of occupational accidents include our occupational safety indicators. In 2023, our LTIFR was 0 and there were no workplace accidents. There was one commuting accident in 2023. We also want to promote proactive occupational safety measures, and one of the indicators of our incentive system in 2024 is the number of safety observations and near miss incidents reported by our personnel.
We measure our employees’ well-being at work with annual workplace community surveys. We review the results in our occupational safety and health committee and draw up an action plan based on the feedback we receive from our personnel. In 2024, for example, we started experimenting with one hour of exercise during working hours. The purpose is to promote the work ability and coping at work of our employees and to promote work breaks by enabling breaks in sports also during working hours.
Our contractors and subcontractors play a significant role in the implementation of our projects. We also want to guarantee a safe construction environment for all contractors and partners operating on our sites. We measure the level of occupational safety at construction sites with MVR and TR indicators (indicators of the safety level of construction sites) and by encouraging contractors to report safety observations and near miss incidents.