For munici- palities
Our advanced Near Energy® concept allows us to strengthen regional vitality and facilitates local, emissions-free energy solutions, which will ensure the transition to the hydrogen society of the future.

Let’s make the change together. We have the energy it takes.
We boost regional vitality, create jobs and facilitate local investments by planning and implementing industrial scale renewable energy projects. We work in close cooperation with municipalities, towns and cities to identify renewable energy potential. We commit to long-term partnerships to produce clean energy now and in the future.
We help to identify potential for renewable energy production
We offer locally produced, renewable energy for local companies’ needs
We guarantee stable and affordable electricity long into the future
We increase regional energy self-sufficiency and support security of supply
We are developing the energy infrastructure for the needs of the future and facilitating the transition to a hydrogen society
We commit to long-term partnerships
Does solar power suit your municipality’s needs?
Increases regional vitality
Reduces carbon footprints
Creates local jobs and increasing tax revenue
Attracts new operators and investment to the area
Offers affordable and renewable energy for local companies
Develops the energy infrastructure for the needs of a hydrogen society

Get in touch!